The #DMFI Team had an audience with the school authorities on December 13, 2023, regarding the posting of the "Manuk Pulang Kandang" (MPK) Grand Reunion poster @alumniDe Britto, which included the menu of 'jamu' (dog meat stew).
We were warmly welcomed by the Headmaster Mr. FX. Catur Supatmono, S.Pd., M.Pd., Deputy Headmaster for Public Relations & Networking Mr. HJ. Sriyanto, M.Pd., and the Sub-Pamong Pastor Daud Kefas Raditya SJ staff.
The headmaster emphasized that De Britto College High School has NEVER and WILL NEVER SUPPORT ANYTHING that goes against the fundamental values of the institution, especially those involving violence against animals; illegal practices of dog meat trade and its various risks.
It was also explained that the school and the alumni association are two separate institutions. The MPK event is an annual gathering organized by the alumni and held at the school, but the school is purely a venue provider, not involved in planning the event activities, etc.
The school authorities only became aware of the existence of the initial poster uploaded by @voilajogja on December 5, 2023, after seeking clarification from the alumni association. It was stated that the poster was an 'invitation to internal alumni' and was only shared through the alumni WhatsApp group. However, the 'invitation' poster sparked controversy, so it was decided to CANCEL the 'jamu' stew menu, and the poster was updated. The updated poster was then communicated with the school authorities and officially published on November 27, 2023.
DMFI and De Britto College High School agree that the incident serves as a valuable lesson to mutually remind each other of the teachings of compassion for the glory of all creatures and the sustainability of the environment. DMFI also appreciates and welcomes the open invitation from the headmaster to collaborate through the field of education.
Thank you, De Britto College High School, for the support from an educational institution with its commendable values, which is undoubtedly significant for DMFI's efforts to improve animal welfare, protect the community, and realize a Dog Meat-Free Indonesia #DogMeatFreeIndonesia.